Welcome to CaseManager! This should help you get up and running.
1. How to set up Dropbox synchronization: After the program is installed, it will ask you if you would like to set up your application to synchronize your data with Dropbox.com. Your data is always saved in your device, but linking with Dropbox will give you another backup (and you never need to actually go to Dropbox.com). In addition, if you have CaseManager on more than one device, synchronizing with Dropbox will let you keep your devices in sync with each other.
If you want to use Dropbox and already have a Dropbox account, when prompted, give your Dropbox name and password, and then choose “Allow”.
If you don’t have a Dropbox account, you can get one for free at Dropbox.com.
When the link to Dropbox is set up, you will be able to synchronize whenever you are asked at startup (or exit on desktops/laptops) or by using sync command in the Global Menu.
If you prefer, you can add Dropbox later at Global Menu>Settings>Link Dropbox.
2. How to add cases, patients, or clients: The next step is to add a cases, patients or clients–only when you have that can you add work sessions, appointments, tasks, notes, etc. Go to the Global Menu (by clicking the CaseManager logo at the top left of the screen or swiping the screen right on mobile devices). Click “Cases”, “Patients” or “Clients”, and then click the “+” at the top right of the screen to do so. You can add a description if you’d like to. Click Save.
3. How to add client profile and other information: From the Global Menu, click “Cases”, “Patients” or “Clients” and select the one for which you would like to enter additional information. You will arrive at the “Dashboard” where you can enter 7 categories of information or documents. (In the Lawyers App you can also add “Facts”.) Generally, new information is added by using the “+”. To input profile information, click the Profile pen icon at the top right of the screen (desktop/laptop) or at the screen bottom (mobile apps). In the Lawyers app you can specify flat fee/contingent fee/hourly fee billing, including the hourly fee rate. In the Therapists and Consultants apps you can input the default session length and fee (Therapists and Consultants so that you will not have enter it when scheduling or processing sessions, and by filling in the client’s email address, you will not have to do so when you use CaseManager’s Send Invoice feature.
4. How to schedule and re-schedule a client session (Therapists and Consultants app): When you start CaseManager and click “Continue”, it will display your calendar in week
view. (Depending on screen characteristics, some phones will show Day View when held vertically and Week View when held horizontally.) To schedule a therapy or work session, double-click the desired starting time (single click for phones and tablets) and select the client/patient from the dropdown list. If you have previously set the client/patient’s default work/session length, you will not need to enter it. Click Save. You can add also add work sessions from the Calendar view by clicking on the “+” and entering the pertinent information. To re-schedule a work/session, in week view, simply drag the work session to the desired time (or delete it by dragging it to the wastebasket). In Calendar view, click on the work/session and change the time and/or date (or right-click the appointment to delete).
5. How to send a work/session to Billing: When a work/session is finished, click on it and then click “Send to Billing”. If the client/patient does not have session length and bill rate defaults in his or her Profile, enter that information and click Save. The work/session will appear in the client/patient’s Billing list. (The use of tags-Completed, Missed, Awaiting billing; Billed, Unbilled and Paid-is addressed below.)
6. How to send an invoice: To send an invoice by email to a client/patient, in the client/patient’s Billing list, click Send Invoice (top right of screen for desktop/laptops; bottom menu for mobiles)–the unbilled sessions will be attached as a PDF to an email to the client/patient. CaseManager will place your Billing Greeting in the body of the email. (To compose your Greeting, in Settings, click Add Invoice Email Template.)
If you wish to bill in another manner, you can Print or PDF the work sessions in the Billing List by clicking the Printing/PDF icon.
7. How to use tags: Tags provide additional information relative to the items in your Work/Sessions and Billings Lists. In the Work/Session items detail screen, you can check boxes for Complete and/or Missed (appointment) and then, in the Work/Session List, filter the list based on those tags. You can also filter for “Awaiting Billing” to show work/sessions which have not yet been sent to the CaseManager Billing section.
In Billing, you can mark, and later filter for, the work sessions that have been Billed, Unbilled, and/or Paid.
Being in possession of the above information, you may not know everything about CaseManager, but you know enough to be organized and productive. If and when you have questions, the answer will be in the FAQs or with John whom you can write at [email protected], or at 347-903-0355.
Pleasant managing!